Active Language online staffroom

Christmas lesson ideas!

Here are some links which people have shared on the facebook page in the lead-up to Christmas:

  • Thanks to Katie for this one from The Guardian
  • Ceri posted a great idea for festive homework here
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Festive Fun (and homework)

Looking for ideas for the last days of term?  Giving your students the festive reward of self-study ideas for the holidays?  Here are some ideas…

Check out Festiveness, notes from a 2013 PDM on ideas for the classroom in the run-up to the holidays.

If you want to jazz up Christmas homework, why not disguise it as a Christmas card?

Check out Ceri’s post on the British Council site with ideas for teens, The Twelve Memes of Christmas.

Carmen produced a festive Find Someone Who… activity.

There are some fab ideas on the British Council site for activities with different age groups.

Any more ideas to add?


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Feeling festive (almost)

Officially, I try to boycott Christmas and the festive season until after the December puente.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s no “Bah, humbug!” about me – I love all things festive, including the cheesy music; but I dislike the fact that we’re inundated with Christmas before Halloween’s even done with.

That said, the post is incredibly slow in Spain and with family dotted around the globe, I have to buy and send Christmas cards earlier than I’d like to.

Dreaming on

If you’re in need of Christmas cards this year, check out Amy’s fabulous collection of creative designs.  As you can see, she’s getting ready for the festive season – but she has a range of cards for every occasion, from birthdays to First Communions, wedding invitations and greeting cards with a gaditano twist.  You can check out her designs on facebook or invite yourself round for a cuppa!


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Eco-friendly presents for friends

It’s the end of October and the supermarket shelves are already filling up with turrones, hojaldres and other such festive fare.  If you’re thinking as far ahead as Christmas and need present ideas, Carmen’s partner Phil is an illustrator with a range of fabulously creative eco-friendly T-shirts.  It follows on nicely from Ceri’s session on Friday as the prints are done on T-shirts with a reduced carbon and low water footprint.

He also has a range of designs which are available as mugs, bags, cushions and more!

This is my personal fave 🙂

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