Active Language online staffroom

Peer Observations

on March 8, 2019


During the second term, we have a series of peer observations.  At Active, we believe these are a very worthwhile professional development opportunity and here are some of the reasons why:

  • We all have a professional curiousity to see how other people work and to compare and contrast our class to another.  By doing so we uncover a number of similarities and differences within our environment
  • It’s a great moment to borrow and use ideas from a colleague – it serves as an opportunity to pick up new ideas, as a reminder perhaps of activities we’ve done in the past and since forgotten and also to enforce that what we’re doing in our own classes is ‘a good thing’
  • It’s a time when we spread best practice – using the feedback session to compare how we do things and provide constructive comments on other ways of working
  • The democratisation of observation, by which we mean that observation should not be seen as a top-down, evaluative tool in which a teacher is ‘judged’ on their performance
  • It provides a break from routine
  • It raises your awareness of your peers
  • Perhaps more specifically to Active where we work in a number of different environments, it gives teachers the opportunity to see how different styles of teaching work (e.g. bilingual classes, speaking classes)
  • It’s a wonderful moment to reflect on your own teaching – after an observed lesson, we’re likely to be more reflective and analytical of the class than we would be on a daily basis; but it also allows a moment to reflect on the bigger picture – perhaps not just thinking about that one lesson, but other lessons with that group, or other classes in general


Here are more ideas from Education World:

Teachers Observing Teachers:
Everybody Benefits

Administrators benefit from:

* the opportunity for reflective dialogue with and among teachers.
* an increased sense of shared responsibility.
* an increased focus on student achievement.
* an increased trust and collegiality among staff.
* participation in a professional and collaborative learning community.
* a cadre of self-reliant, confident teachers who love teaching.
* enriched teacher efficacy
* participation in a professional and collaborative learning community.

Teachers benefit from:

* an opportunity to engage in reflective dialogue about their work.
* the focused classroom support.
* improvement of classroom practices.
* support from an “expert” (peer) who understands the daily demands of the classroom.
* satisfaction with one’s work.
* reduced job stress, especially for the new teacher.
* a welcoming atmosphere for new teachers.
* the comfort of knowing that someone is available to help, explain, and assist.

The school benefits from:

* increased collaboration among teachers.
* the establishment of a professional learning community.
* an increased focus on student achievement.
* enthusiasm for the teaching profession.

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